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Daddy? | Jordan Clayton | TEDxBooker T Washington School

Fathers are a complicated thing, Jordan talks about the struggle of growing up with a parent that wa ...View More

The Boo in Boomer | Ananya Sundaram | TEDxBooker T Washington School

As a society we tend to pass our problems off instead of fixing them. This has led to a generational ...View More

Be quiet please! | Isha Aryal | TEDxBooker T Washington School

As a quiet person herself, Isha noticed that louder people tend to get more things that they want. U ...View More

Martha | Devin Harmon | TEDxBooker T Washington School

Losing someone is one of the hardest parts of a persons life, but what if you have to watch them die ...View More

Don't Call Me Whitewashed | Tylor Aary | TEDxBooker T Washington School

Growing up in a primarily white town Tylor talks about the racial stereotypes she encountered and th ...View More

The Effects of Banning Books | Alyssa Puckett | TEDxBooker T Washington School

Books are an essential part of life but what happens when society keeps trying to ban books. What ar ...View More

Action vs Distraction | Maya Velazquez | TEDxBooker T Washington School

Everyone suffers from procrastination, but how do you actually stop it? What happens when procrastin ...View More

How Anxiety Affects the Mind and Body | Jack Burrage | TEDxBooker T Washington School

After suffering from a spinal injury due to a panic attack, Jack's whole life changed. In this talk  ...View More

Fear Factor | Parker Toburen | TEDxBooker T Washington School

Everyone experiences fear, however, Parker believes fear is a tool for success. Embracing a fear an  ...View More

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